This game is great,a very worthy succesor to "Bloons".Bloons 1 in my opinion was too hard,nothing to help you.This sequel,has Uber Pwnage LaZ0R,and a level solution.And lots of crap to buy.but,getting 50 points for watching an ad?Can we get it once we boot up the game for the first time?1 point off.
Current Rating:9/10
This game is also freaking hard,some levels blatantly obvious and some hair-pulling,I prefer a difficulty select.I havent even beaten ONE bloons game,so thats another point off.
Current Rating:8/10
The story, story,its not even freaking points off.
Current Rating:8/10
The music...only one never ending tropical music.It would be nice if we could make our own,or choose a default point off.
Current Rating:7/10
Overall:Definetly play this game,even if you are not a bloons fan.