God Perfect!
A game you could never stop playing.I play this everyday,it just kicks ass.
-Epic Battle Fantasy 3 Review-
Story:Meh,bad guy attempts to take over world,heroes stop him.Trust me,now THAT,is cliche.1 Point off.
Current Rating:9/10
Gameplay:Holy....shit.This is the main reason why I played this game,it just kicks ass.It kicks so much ass,I cant explain how awesome it is in one whole review.No points off,1 bonus point.
Current Rating:10/10
Music:KICK.ASS.This game has your techno,your dramatic,your relaxing,your rock,and a nice victory tune ^_^.No points off,1 bonus point.
Current Rating:11/10
Difficulty:This game,especially later in the game,kick your ass.Even on easy,I still had some trouble with Jack.Not because I suck at RPG,s,because its just damn hard.I admit I suck at Chrono Trigger,but then again retro games are harder than modern games.Need proof?Play the original Megaman games and Ninja Gaiden.No points off,1 bonus point.
Current Rating:12/10
Overall:One of the best games on Newgrounds,not exactly the best,I consider the 2 Karoshi games to be slightly better,but not by A long shot.I advise you play this game,with A game this good,its possible to put 2-4 hours into it.
Ranking:God Perfect!
(And yes,I know the Newgrounds rating system wont go over 10,so I'll give it a 10.)